Magnolias of Lancaster is an exceptional memory care community for Alzheimer's and other dementias, amidst the quaint charm of Lancaster County. Our enriching programs and care provide mind-energizing and stimulating opportunities for all our residents. Explore our community now!
Q:(Traduit par Google) Je me demandais qui serait le directeur de « The Woods » à contacter ou à envoyer par e-mail ?
I was wondering who the director of "The Woods" would be for me to contact or email?
(Traduit par Google) Je ne suis pas sûr d'avoir été à Mallard Run juste avant.
Not sure I've only been in Mallard Run in front of it
5 years ago
Q:(Traduit par Google) Les loyers des appartements sont-ils basés sur le niveau de revenu d'une personne
Are the apartment rents based on a person's income level
(Traduit par Google) Le Woods at Cedar Run est un salaire privé et non basé sur le revenu. Les appartements à côté peuvent l'être, et celui-ci s'appelle Mallard Run.
The Woods at Cedar Run is private pay and not based on income. The apartments next to it may be, and that one is called Mallard Run.
MMalory Milchak
4 years ago
(Traduit par Google) Je pense qu'il y en a deux différents. complexes les uns à côté des autres. Le complexe NEXT TO The Woods at Cedar Run pourrait être un complexe basé sur le revenu pour les personnes âgées. Désolé, je ne sais pas à quoi correspond le "non-Woods". sont appelés.
I think there are two different apt. complexes next to each other. The complex NEXT TO The Woods at Cedar Run might be an income-based complex for seniors. Sorry I don't know what the "non-Woods" apts. are called.
AAmanda Neessen
5 years ago
(Traduit par Google) Je ne pense pas.
I don't think so.
AAmy Gainor
5 years ago
Q:Are the apartment rents based on a person's income level
The Woods at Cedar Run is private pay and not based on income. The apartments next to it may be, and that one is called Mallard Run.
MMalory Milchak
4 years ago
I think there are two different apt. complexes next to each other. The complex NEXT TO The Woods at Cedar Run might be an income-based complex for seniors. Sorry I don't know what the "non-Woods" apts. are called.
AAmanda Neessen
5 years ago
I don't think so.
AAmy Gainor
5 years ago
Q:I was wondering who the director of "The Woods" would be for me to contact or email?
Not sure I've only been in Mallard Run in front of it