Q:(Traduit par Google) Accordez-vous une réduction à ceux d’entre nous couverts par Medicare ? Combien coûte votre examen de la vue ?
Do you give any discount for those of us covered by Medicare? What does your eye exam cost?
(Traduit par Google) Medicare n’est pas en réseau pour nous et nous ne pouvons pas le facturer ni bénéficier d’une réduction. Le coût d’un examen de la vue est de 90 $.
Medicare is not in network for us, and we can’t bill for it or have a discount. The self pay cost for an eye exam is $90.
MMarcel Krawczyk
1 year ago
Q:(Traduit par Google) L’assurance vision est-elle acceptée ?
Is vision insurance accepted?
(Traduit par Google) Nous acceptons la plupart des assurances vision. Veuillez appeler le magasin, nous serons heureux de connaître vos avantages. Numéro de magasin River North : (312) 846-1166
We accept most vision insurances. Kindly call the store, we will be happy to look up your benefits. River North store number: (312) 846-1166
MMarcel Krawczyk
2 years ago
Q:(Traduit par Google) Quelles sont les marques que l’on peut trouver chez CustomEyes River North ?
What are the brands that can be found at CustomEyes River North?
Some of the brands we have at CustomEyes River North are Akoni, Barton Perreira, Jaques Marie Mage, Lindberg, Masunaga, Mykita, Thierry Lasry and more!
MMarcel Krawczyk
2 years ago
Q:Do you give any discount for those of us covered by Medicare? What does your eye exam cost?
Medicare is not in network for us, and we can’t bill for it or have a discount. The self pay cost for an eye exam is $90.
1 year ago
Q:Is vision insurance accepted?
We accept most vision insurances. Kindly call the store, we will be happy to look up your benefits. River North store number: (312) 846-1166
2 years ago
Q:What are the brands that can be found at CustomEyes River North?
Some of the brands we have at CustomEyes River North are Akoni, Barton Perreira, Jaques Marie Mage, Lindberg, Masunaga, Mykita, Thierry Lasry and more!